Looking back at 2021

When I look back on 2021 it was yet again another roller coaster year. However, although the news can always bog us down in negativity I would like to look back on all the positive aspects of the year.
In terms of our family business, it's the reviews that really make our day. We have such great feedback - some very funny and others very insightful into the lives you lead. I am delighted to say that our review rating is a fabulous 4.9 out of a 5 star rating. The number of repeat customers is increasing by the day and we have built up a lovely relationship with a few of you already.
We are also thankful to our wonderful milliners who make all of our lovely rain hats. We really do cherish our working relationship with each and every one of them. It's also great when we find new talent which we have recently in Mijori Creative who make the waxed baker boy caps, which are now selling like hot cakes! We are constantly on the look out for new milliners making their waterproof hats in the UK. I have spotted a couple of great milliners in the last few weeks, hopefully to be revealed soon!
It was a huge delight and made us jump for joy when we saw the gorgeous Mary Berry wear our Michelle Harris tweed baker boy cap on her tv series 'Love to Cook'. So we have had Mary Berry model one of our hats beautifully in 2021, the paralympic athlete Anne Waful Strike in 2020, which other celebrity could be next in 2022!
Personally apart from work, life has been kind, we have been healthy which is the most important thing. My kids have adapted to the changing times, one son started a new job post graduation from his bedroom but then eventually entered office life and my other son started university whereby freshers week did mean seeing others in person as opposed to over zoom! My husband has learnt to make the best cocktails over lockdown, which has been gratefully drunk by family, especially the hot ones whilst shivering outside! It's the little things that we are now grateful for!
I continue to enjoy my daily dog walks in all weathers, whilst testing our rain hats of course! It really is so important to get some exercise and fresh air to help both physically and mentally, especially during these (I am not going to say unprecedented times!) historical times (just you wait when I tell my future grandchildren about the pandemic!)
I do hope that you all have a healthy and very happy 2022.
With all our best wishes and thanks
Katrine & family xx